Booking a trek
You can book a trek with Yemen Trekking using the information on this webpage.
As any business there are few things to remember before making contact with Yemen Trekking for a tour through the Haraz mountains:
- Business in Yemen is different from Europe. A deal is simply a deal, there is no small print or lengthy regulations. Please keep this in mind at all times.
- Be sure you want to go for a trek, don't make inquiries if you haven't made up your mind about going to Yemen.
- Be as specific as possible, prepare your trekking requirements without writing books about it.
- Yemen is a changing country, government regulations can change from day to day. This can affect your trip and is part of reality for everyone in Yemen.
- If you travel with a group (max. 5) communicate only through one person.
- Start your inquiries minimal 2 month in advance prior to arrival to make sure Yemen Trekking can arrange the right guide for you.
For making a booking Yemen Trekking needs the following information from you:
- Start date of the trek
- The proposed length of your trek in days
- The size of the trekking group
- Transport from/to Sana'a
- The places you want to visit
- Equipment you bring (tent, cooking gear etc.)
- Gear you want Yemen Trekking to arrange
- A short description of your trekking experience
- Passport copies and visa numbers (for a travel permit)
- Inbound and outbound flights
Yemen Trekking will quote a very reasonable price for the whole party. The quotation includes:
- Tour planning
- Guiding and translating
- Accommodation and food for the guide
but excludes:
- The cost of food and accommodation
- Cost of changes in the initiary.
- Eventual permit costs.
- Costs of trip preparation depending on your needs.
Payment is on the spot on arrival in Yemen.